American Heritage Girls Service Stars

Service StarsAHG emphasizes community service!  All AHG girls will have the chance to serve their local community both as a troop and individually. The older girls will even have opportunities to plan a community service event.  AHG girls will keep track of their service hours during the year to earn Service Stars. (the Service Hour Tracking Sheet is on page 68 of the AHG Handbook)

Service hours can be accumulated as a group when they participate in planned service projects or individually outside of troop time. Service hours are meant to be community-oriented and would include any non-paid service done outside of the home. For example: raking leaves for a neighbor, volunteering in the church nursery, being a mother’s helper, baking cookies for someone, picking up litter on a hike, writing letters to a soldier, etc.

Depending on the girl’s level, she will receive a Service Star after she’s completed a certain number of hours of service. The hour requirements are below:

  • Tenderhearts – 1 blue service star for every 5 hours of community service
  • Explorers – 1 red service star for every 10 hours of community service
  • Pioneers – 1 white service star for every 15 hours of community service
  • Patriots – 1 yellow service star for every 20 hours of community service