
Badges are full of fun, and many are well-suited for at-home work or virtual badge earning. AHG recommends starting with the Family Living Frontier Badges Together as a Family and Toys and Games. These badges can bring families together during tragedy and uncertain times. Modify family activities where Troop involvement is needed.

Listed below are other fun badge options to work on with your family:

Heritage Frontier:

  • Ancestor Detector
  • Living in the USA
  • Our Constitution

Family Living Frontier:

  • Cooking
  • Family Helper

Arts Frontier:

  • Artastic
  • Creative Crafts
  • Creative Writing
  • Pen & Paper Arts
  • Puppetry

Outdoors Frontier:

  • As a family, a girl could go for a walk (“hike”) or camp in their backyard depending on supplies


Personal Well-Being Frontier:

  • All God’s Children
  • Best Me I Can Be (some requirements go over healthy habits)
  • Bible Basics
  • Daughter of the King
  • Physical Fitness

Science & Technology Frontier:

  • Internet Adventure (if computer and internet access is available)