Troop Leadership and Board Positions

AHG Troops are led by Godly adult volunteers who serve in a variety of capacities. These volunteers are chosen by the Partnering Charter Organization, according to their talents and interests. Each volunteer must be a member of American Heritage Girls and possess the moral, educational and emotional qualities that are necessary to afford positive leadership and guidance to youth, in a manner consistent with the values and ideals of the AHG program.

Each AHG Troop is provided leadership and direction by its Troop Board. The Troop Board must be formed prior to Charter Approval. It consists of a minimum of four registered, trained adults, serving as the Troop Ministry Board within the Troop Board: Troop Coordinator, Vice Coordinator, Troop Shepherd and Troop Treasurer. Troop Board Members must be registered members and work together to govern the Troop. The Charter Representative and Unit Leaders should be included in the decision making process. The Troop Board must develop a Troop Policy Manual that has all Troop policies and procedures in writing, prior to the first Troop meeting. A copy of these policies must be on file with the National Office.

The Troop Board is comprised of:

Our Troop Board for the 2022 – 2023 AHG year.