We meet the 1st and 3rd Sundays of each month for regular meetings at Berean Baptist Church starting on the 3rd Sunday in September.
Meetings are from 2:30 pm to 4:00 pm. Please arrive at 2:25 to allow for time to check in your child so we can start promptly at 2:30 pm.
Regular Meeting Dates for the 2020 – 2021:
We meet at Berean Baptist Church located at 2145 Middle Bellville Road Mansfield, Ohio 44904
Please enter through the Family Entrance (Door K)
Each meeting opens with colors (Flags), followed by pledge of allegiance, AHG Oath and Creed.
One of the leaders (Troop Coordinator or other designated troop / unit leader) will give any important announcements.
Troop Shepherd will pray for our meeting.
Girls are then release to unit meetings and parents are released as well.
After unit meetings are over we will re-convene as a troop where each unit will tell what they did and learned today.
We will then close with the troop song (picked at the beginning of the year) and have on of the AHG girls (we ask for a girl to volunteer) pray and dismiss the troop.
Girls are expected to be in uniform for all regular troop meetings.
If there is a special activity going on that could damage their uniform they are allowed to be out of uniform for that meeting.
If something happens and you are not about to come in your uniform please come to the meeting anyway. Our uniforms help unit us but the meeting are about the girls, not a dress code. If you need any help with your uniform please let us know.